IVF Digital Biopsy Tracking

Healthcare and software

12 weeks

What we did
Product innovation
User experience design
Design System Implementation

Embryologists are critical throughout the IVF process, they need to be able to perform intricate cell biopsy procedures and track individual embryos to review for chromosome abnormalities. This market-leading product provides embryologists with a data-led and user-focused digital biopsy tracking process, whilst giving patients the piece of mind that their future is safe.

Although this leading fertility provider had a breadth of experience with bringing products to the fertility market, they were looking for a partner whose intrinsic human-centred approach to complex digital products would help them create the first digital biopsy tracking for clinics and IVF patients.


Our partner is a leading global medical device company specialised in products and services for women’s healthcare providers. They came to Evident with an idea that could revolutionise the safety and security of the IVF biopsy tracking process. We were tasked to strategise the user journey and use rapid iteration and user testing to refine the product user experience.

The world-wide IVF and fertility market also required the product to incorporate different ways of working for embryologists.

Our partner also wanted to reinforce their position in the market by providing consistent interactions across all product experiences to reflect their brand values of quality and care for the products they create.

They needed a team to work in parallel with their internal development team and technical embedded software partner to define the delivery approach.


Understanding the clinic environment and behaviour of clinic specialists

We conducted rigorous user testing alongside our partner’s existing customers in IVF clinics, ensuring the product aligned with their needs. We created a comprehensive discovery document mapping the entire process, from the patient’s decision to have their embryos extracted to biopsy and storage. Viewing the process from end to end allowed us to find weak points in the digital product experience, providing learnings on both sides. Alongside project stakeholders, we embarked on our unique digital product evolution process, providing ongoing consultancy for product and experience improvements.

The discovery phase also revealed another challenge: every IVF lab operated with their own process, dish shape, and dish layout. None were open to change. We needed to give users the ability to arrange the droplets flexibly while ensuring complete accuracy in tracking data.

Design-Led Product Evolution

Navigating the operations and user environment

In an IVF clinic, time is critical. Embryos can survive for only 7 minutes at room temperature before degradation begins. Thus, the user interface and interaction with the digital solution needed to be quick and intuitive. Usability was another consideration; embryologists typically removed their gloves to use tablets on the desk. Larger buttons allowed them to keep their gloves on, saving precious time.


We developed an intuitive biopsy tracking that is used globally and gave our partners the digital-edge in the $21.13bn fertility market.

“Getting the process in front of the real users was crucial. Evident moved fast, and clarity around the user interactions came together quickly, aligning user needs.”

- Group Digital Innovation Director

Accounting for users’ varying needs in a lab environment, our unique validation and user testing process gave our partner the confidence and capability to go to market faster, adding more value for their customer base, growing market share, and meeting stakeholder and business goals. The platform is now used in clinics worldwide. Embryologists and clinical professionals can now provide couples undertaking the IVF journey with a more secure, fully tracked biopsy process, maximising the chances of a successful pregnancy.

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IVF Digital Biopsy Tracking

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